In the midst of COVID-19, the world is in crisis, and for many, day-to-day life as we know it has come to a screeching halt. As these realities take hold, and social distancing becomes paramount, it’s only natural to feel anxious and at a loss for how to adjust to the new normal. But in these times, it’s important, if not essential, to prioritize self-care, especially with an inundation of excess stress
Sometimes we may feel a little down, stressed and its easy when we have those feelings to not focus on ourselves. I think every woman should have a go- to five minute makeup routine when feeling a little blue!
As a Makeup Artist I’ve always found it important to look “put together” as opposed to ” done up”. I think most women find it empowering to look like an enhanced version of themselves without having to use a whole lot of product. I’ve came up with a Five minute routine along with a selection of my most trusted products that are functional to use to achieve ” the no- makeup, makeup look” . Whether your going to the supermarket , watching netflix or have virtual work meetings . Feeling good about yourself is a non negotiable and I’m here to help. Put on your five Minute Fayce and feel fabulous !
Favorite CC Creams and Light- Weight Foundations
- Charlotte Tilbury Wonder Glow
- It Cosmetics ” your skin but better” cc cream
- https://www.ulta.com/cc-cream-with-spf-50?productId=xlsImpprod5770257
- Ysl touche éclat ” all in one glow”
Concealers & Correctors
- Marc Jacobs Accomplice Concealer
Too faced Born this way Concealer
- Armani Color Corrector
- Anastasia Beverly Hills ” brow definer” https://www.ulta.com/brow-definer?productId=xlsImpprod13521149
- Nyx Percision Brown definer https://www.nyxcosmetics.com/eyes/eyebrows/precision-brow-pencil/NYX_450.html?cgid=brows
Blush/ Compact Powders
- Charlotte Tilbury flawless Airbrush https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjZhYum6MXoAhWgg1oFHe3UAR0YABACGgJ2dQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2ZwYaD3XDQRGWO0mJ90Gc78uqTU9c6HaVPafDJudaNzpHmoFlI7DiXyueRea1k7mMDHqXPQrvdUXm860ATQk&sig=AOD64_1KFVLzHGn_EY27xee71KP9r69Z_w&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiBnYGm6MXoAhVnkHIEHQz5BaEQ0Qx6BAgPEAE&adurl=
- Nars orgasm Blush https://www.sephora.com/product/blush-P2855?skuId=248930&om_mmc=ppc-GG_1165716902_56760216847_aud-747393614587:pla-418389939070_248930_257731958555_9067609_c&country_switch=us&lang=en&ds_rl=1261471&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1Iv0BRDaARIsAGTWD1s3y5tkNf0a9amhQ5nmozgoOI_j9-13Xb9K2kBGd8LiLEF8kZHz96MaApX-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
- Marc Jacobs Accomplice blur powder https://www.marcjacobsbeauty.com/accomplice/accomplice-instant-blurring-setting-powder-with-brush/MJ20033.html
- Dior Show Mascara https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj20_az6cXoAhUB6IYKHV3jAQkYABABGgJ2dQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2GKcTViBssBXpq67JS0KEt7G0yc5R3CUtEiNainY0Pm17PWIjKiZ9GhTF6zdbLRk-PqUa3igzDBVfSzDIzxA&sig=AOD64_3dqrlp8mwltI4ziWBD5hEvwBtUsg&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj2re2z6cXoAhXKlXIEHZftBWoQ0Qx6BAgQEAE&adurl=
- Too Faced ” Better than sex” mascara https://www.toofaced.com/product/23484/59115/eye-makeup/mascara/better-than-sex-mascara
- Loreal paradise Mascara https://www.ulta.com/voluminous-lash-paradise-mascara?productId=xlsImpprod16151007
- Perricone Md No makeup lipstick https://www.sephora.com/product/no-lipstick-lipstick-spf-15-P386606
- Bite Beauty agave Mask https://www.bitebeauty.com/agave–nighttime-lip-therapy/2188860.html
- Fresh Sugar Lip Balm https://www.sephora.com/product/sugar-lip-treatment-spf-15-P57002?skuId=1422336&om_mmc=ppc-GG_704740761_40521936201_aud-616297271202:dsa-58482769085__425949064479_9067609_c&country_switch=us&lang=en&ds_rl=1262906&gclid=Cj0KCQjw1Iv0BRDaARIsAGTWD1uETHjwYHAt-7PGiY_AKFvzu89kwYtG54hy-km8_FjZepIUaIMMD-caAuptEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds